We must always begin with our strengths . From the earliest years of our schooling, everyone focuses on what is wrong with us. While it is important for us to know what we are not good at, we must also cherish what is good in us. That is because it is only our strengths that can give us the energy to correct our weaknesses. A rupee earned is of far more value than five found . I have found that nothing gives as much satisfaction as earning our rewards. In fact, what is gifted or inherited follows the old rule of 'easy come, easy go'. I guess we only know the value of what we have if we have struggled to earn it. No one bats a hundred every time . Life has many challenges. You win some, you lose some. You must enjoy winning. But do not let it go to your head. The moment it does, you are already on your way to failure. And if you do encounter failure along the way, treat it as an equally natural phenomenon. Don't beat yourself for it or any one else for that matter! Accept...
Lifehacking with Technology, Software, Mobile, Mindmapping and Apps.