At work & at home, each of us has been & again will be in communication. Our personal communication styles will dictate to a great extent our success in coordinating action & in relationships. It's unfortunate that we usually enter into communication situations without an awareness of our personal styles of communicating. We just do what comes naturally to us (but not necessarily to others.) One thing is certain every communicator anywhere continually THINKS & ACTS. This is where we begin our exploration of communication styles: how we Think & Act? In the Communication Styles , there are two thinking styles, and two acting styles, Acting Style 1: The Stimulators as you might guess, people with this acting style strive to implement new actions quickly & intuitively, without structure. On teams & in meetings, stimulators will speak up to suggest easier ways to accomplish work & will be the first to embrace new approaches to old problems. Because they ...
Lifehacking with Technology, Software, Mobile, Mindmapping and Apps.