We'll experience a new age of productivity about a decade from now, and it will come from all of today’s advances:...
We'll experience a new age of productivity about a decade from now, and it will come from all of today’s advances: AI, robotics, large amounts of data that allow us to better understand our world and our humanity, creating a positive future. Long-promised, long-awaited, and still missing, corporate productivity gains driven by all our technology will be in 2028. Weldon set a target date for achieving the long-promised, long-awaited, and still missing, corporate productivity gains driven by all our technology. 2028. “We’ve quantified when a Digital Age leap in productivity will occur that will resemble the leaps from the previous eras. “The good news is that we will experience a new age of productivity about a decade from now, and it will come from all of today’s advances: AI, robotics, large amounts of data that allow us to better understand our world and our humanity, creating a positive future. “The lack of significant improvement in economic productivity over past 30 years despi...