Resumes could have much nicer, cleaner, more readable resumes if they would have been tweaked a bit. And none of these tweaks are hard to accomplish. So, let's start. 1. DON'T use a general resume . You cannot successfully use the same resume to apply to several different jobs. Your resume should be custom written for each job you are targeting. When you send out something generic, it shows apathy and lack of motivation. This is NOT the impression you want to send to your potential employers. 2 . Start with an attractive layout . Use bold and italics to highlight key points. Not recommended downloadable templates because they are very generic and dull. Get creative but not crazy. You can use a little touch of color if you are modest. 3. Use a bulleted style to make your resume more reader-friendly . Given that employers screen resumes for between 2.5 and 20 seconds, they will find your resume a lot more readable if you use bullet points instead of paragraph style. It's just...
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