How automating feedback with AI powered conversations can aid decision making in real-time All systems need feedback to learn, improve and course correct. The autopilot functionality in driverless cars is a perfect example. Sensors measure the desired speed and position of the vehicle — among other indicators — and send that data to control systems which adjust accordingly. Gathering rich, organic feedback on a continuous basis is necessary for managers and regulators to make informed decisions. Robust feedback means honoring people’s authentic voices, rather than shoehorning them into a multiple choice format. It means taking the time to find out how many others share what may be a surprising opinion (to management) or understanding of a situation. It means preserving minority opinions. It means listening well. But getting rich feedback from a population usually starts with in-depth interviews of a representative sample. Surveys are then created based on the interviews to see which id...
Lifehacking with Technology, Software, Mobile, Mindmapping and Apps.